
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a mosaic is worth thousands of pictures!

Creating AI Art and turning them into awesome mosaics! See how I transform thousands of high resolution images into interactive WebMosaics that you can zoom into! You can find my videos on Instagram at @awesomemosaics. Click the images below to see if you can find the main image inside of the Awesome WebMosaics!

This Mosaic is comprised of 1,485,646 unique colors.

This Balloon below is comprised of 17,808 individual images and 6,859,526 unique colors.

This Lion Mosaic below is comprised of 17,808 individual images and 7,405,826 unique colors.

AI Prompt
lion, a gorgeous big cat with blue gems and opal geodes + long wavy hair + highly detailed + ornate + symmetrical face + bioluminescent, floral eyes + elegant, higly detailed, very realistic, very detailed, soft lighting, subtle glow, cinematography, golden hour, Breath of the wild, intricate mechanical art

This Wire(d) for Coffee below is comprised of 17,808 individual images and 6,103,303 unique colors.

AI Prompt
wire, copper wire, coffee cup, coffee cup created from barbed wire, portrait, fantasy, dnd, character design, vibrant colors, fantasy, fluid dynamics, ultra detailed, dramatic lighting, intricate details, 8k, cinematic

This Jellyfish Mosaic below is comprised of 17,808 individual images and 5,820,245 unique colors.

AI Prompt
jellyfish, very large jellyfish, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Cinematic, Colorful, Dark, psychedelic, Stars, Sun, Abstract, drawn by Kyoung Hwan Kim, Kim Jung Gi, Akihiko Yoshida, Atelier Lulua

This Fruit Mosaic below is comprised of 17,808 individual images and 5,820,245 unique colors.

AI Prompt
large fruit, very large fruit, epic, sun rays, plasma, gaseous, glass, organic, glass and wood, bioluminescence, photorealistic, hyper detailed, intricate, cinematic, volumetric lighting, atmospheric, epic, octane render

This Hat Mosaic below is comprised of 17,808 individual images and 4,278,743 unique colors.

AI Prompt
super large hat, At the dawn of time, all is well, beauty and comfort for all humanity, cinematic atmosphere, sci-fi, epic composition